St Michael and All Angels Northampton

Welcome to St Michael's

We welcome you to St. Michael & All Angels, Northampton.


Who are we?

The church is made up of a wide range of different people from all ages and backgrounds. Whoever you are, you are assured of a warm welcome at St Michael’s.

We believe that the church is there for everyone not just for us.


When to arrive:

If it’s your first visit to Sunday worship it’s probably best to arrive about 9.15am.

If you are arriving by car you will find you can park in the streets around the church or in the car park at the rear of the church.

For disabled users, use the church car park and enter the church by the side door as indicated.

You will be greeted at the door by our welcoming team who will give you details of the service and notices of forthcoming events.


What to wear:

That is easy. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. We are an informal church and accept people as they are. There is no need to dress up.


What to expect:

For some of us, going somewhere for the first time can be a nerve-racking experience. To help avoid any worries here is a quick summary of what you can expect at a St Michael’s Service. If you do not understand anything please ask, we are a friendly bunch..

We meet at 9.30am on Sundays and 9.30am on Tuesdays. If you are coming to a service arrive 10 minutes beforehand so you can find a seat and look at the service booklet. Our services include hymns, mainly traditional but with some modern songs, prayers and communion.

If you are not Confirmed you can come to the front to receive a blessing at communion time or simply remain in your seat.

We have a children’s corner with toys, where small children can be taken if they become restless. However, don’t worry about children making a noise we are used to it. We try to include older children in the service.

After the service you are invited to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits near the main door.


What we believe:

We are a Church of England Parish Church and believe that everyone can have a relationship with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe that Jesus Christ is both human and divine and came to share our life to show us how to live our lives and so reach our true and full potential. If you are interested in exploring the Christian faith, please ask one of the clergy who will be pleased to help.

We are part of the Inclusive Church movement.


We welcome everyone:

The popular press might lead you to believe that we do not treat women equally and reject homosexual people. This is not true. We are an all-inclusive church who welcome everyone.

We believe that women should be Bishops and gay people have a right to equality.

Our premises are also accessible to those with disabilities and there is a toilet accessible to wheelchair users. If you arrive at the church in a wheelchair please ask one of the welcoming team to help you.

We have a hearing loop for the hearing impaired – please turn your hearing aid to the ‘T’ position.

If you are thinking about getting married, whether ‘straight or gay’ please contact the Parish Office at: 

The Parish Office, St Michael & All Angels Church, Perry Street, Northampton, NN1 4HL.
Office: 01604 230316


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